GC Approved Revision 7-5-23
Announcements updated 12-28-24
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Welcome Newcomer, we're glad you're here. This is a closed meeting for women only. Women in Recovery meets at these times, Eastern:
To join our meeting, call 1.267.807.9601.
To get the access code, please call the MA Women in Recovery Hotline at 443.347.3934.
If dialing into our meeting by phone, you will need to use these key commands to participate:
You can also use the "Free Conference Call" app to join our meeting.
Host key commands:
*11 Start Q&A mode
*12 Advance the queue (only when Q&A mode is active)
*13 End Q&A mode
*14 Mute last caller in Q&A mode
*51 Mutes the lines and callers can unmute themselves with *6
*52 Mute all (callers cannot unmute themselves)
*53 Unmuted (all callers are unmuted and can mute themselves with *6)
All times are Eastern Time (ET)
All participants can use these key commands during the meeting:
*2 Participant count
*6 Mute and unmute when not in Q&A mode
*61 Enter or remove yourself from queue in Q&A mode
Only the Host can use the following key commands during the meeting:
*11 Start Q&A mode
*12 Advance queue (only when Q&A mode is active)
*13 End Q&A mode
*14 Mute last caller in Q&A mode
*51 Mute the line. Callers can unmute themselves with *6
*52 Mute all (callers cannot unmute themselves)
*53 Unmuted (all callers are unmuted and can mute themselves with *6)
[Chair: Start the meeting on the hour (or once there is at least 1 participant]
Hello everyone. My name is ______________________ and I am powerless over marijuana (or introduce yourself in a manner that speaks your truth).
Welcome to the Women in Recovery phone meeting of Marijuana Anonymous.
This is a closed meeting for women only. If you are using a speakerphone, please be mindful of your surroundings. Only women should be listening in on our meetings.
If you would like to join me in the Serenity Prayer, please un-mute your phone now.
We start with God, and that is the higher power of your own understanding.
God, grant me the serenity,
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
I am now putting our call in Q&A mode. To actively participate, press *6-1 to join the queue. When the system tells you, “You may now ask your question,” that means it’s time for you to speak. Make sure to unmute your phone before speaking.
[Chair: Put the meeting into Q&A mode for the entire meeting until the closing Serenity Prayer by pressing *11. Please remember to always mute when someone else is speaking and un-mute when you talk.]
If you would like to be of service, we need volunteers to read the The 12 Steps (How It Works) and another of the Twelves. These readings can be found at ma-phone.org on the Readings & Resources tab under Meeting Readings.
Please prepare those materials now, and enter the queue by pressing *6-1. I’ll check for volunteers in a few moments.
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using marijuana. This is to adhere to the singleness of purpose concept, but many of us have found that the only way that we can keep our sobriety is to abstain from all mind and mood altering chemicals, including alcohol.
There are no dues or fees for membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. MA is not affiliated with any religious or secular institution or organization and has no opinion on any outside controversies or causes. Our primary purpose is to stay free of marijuana and to help the marijuana addict who still suffers achieve the same freedom.
At an MA meeting, people discuss their problems with marijuana, what they did to recover, and what life is like now. We have found that, as a group, we can achieve for ourselves results which, as individuals, we failed repeatedly.
Marijuana Anonymous uses the 12 Steps of Recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous, because it has been proven to work!
I will now check the queue for volunteers to read one of the Twelves.
[Chair: Press *12 to check for volunteers.]
Hi, what would you like to read?
[Chair: Mute your phone while they read; unmute when they finish.]
Thank you ______ for your service.
[Chair: Press *12 to check for 2nd reader. If no one is in the queue, skip second reading. Allow only two readings.]
Hi, what would you like to read?
[Chair: Mute your phone while they read; unmute when they finish.]
Thank you ______ for your service.
[Chair: After final reading, press *14 to mute the last caller.]
Before we begin sharing, we’d like to welcome our newcomers.
If you are new or returning to MA, please join the queue now by pressing *61. Tell us your first name, and if you like, your location and day count.
[Chair: Pause for 5-10 seconds, then press *12 to check for newcomers and welcome them individually. Continue pressing *12 until the system says "there are no more callers".]
[Optional: Read the 12 Questions if newcomers introduce themselves]
[Chair: If necessary when a non-addict introduces themselves:
“I’m going to stop you. We appreciate your interest in marijuana addiction, but this meeting is only for women who have a desire to stop using. This is in keeping with our third tradition. There are other places you can go to get the information you need. Check marijuana-anonymous.org for a list of open meetings. We request that you leave the meeting. Thank you.”]
You can read the "Detoxing from Marijuana" pamphlet and find other literature at marijuana-anonymous.org or on the Marijuana Anonymous app. It is suggested that you attend at least six meetings so you have time to identify with the speakers, begin to absorb the MA concepts, and learn more about the program.
Who else is on the call today? Press *6-1 to enter the queue to introduce yourself. I’m _____________ from _____________.
[Chair: Pause for 5-10 seconds, then press *12 to allow members to introduce themselves. Continue pressing *12 until the system says "there are no more callers".]
A very warm welcome to all. There will be a phone number exchange at the end of the meeting so you can make outreach calls. I will be staying on the line after the meeting to respond to questions and further welcome newcomers.
[Chair: if you cannot stay after the meeting to be a newcomer greeter then ask for a volunteer with 30 days or more clean time to stay for fellowship.]
[Chair: You can can choose either reading or both]
Today's topic comes from the draft of the Marijuana Anonymous daily reader, "Living Every Day with Hope." This is available on ma-phone.org website under Readings and Resources, Meeting Readings. I will read that for us now.
Today’s topic comes from the Narcotics Anonymous daily reader, “Just for Today”, available at jftna.org. I will read that for us now.
Today is a step study meeting.
We have but one request before you begin our step study. Please do this work with the guidance of a sponsor or spiritual advisor. The same as recovery, this work is not intended to be done alone. Success depends upon us sharing the process (LwH workbook, pg. 1, May 2008).
We are on Step ___ and will continue reading from Life with Hope page ___ –OR– the Life with Hope Workbook page ___.
If you don’t have the books, you can find these readings under the MA app under the Literature tab.
Tonight our speaker, ________, will share their experience, strength and hope on working a step. If ____ (speaker)____ has not gotten in the queue yet, please press *6-1 now.
Today, we will be reading from the book "A Woman's Way Through the Twelve Steps" (or "Life with Hope" if done with "A Woman's Way"). We are on page ____. This meeting uses outside 12 step literature. MA is not affiliated with and does not endorse any other 12 step programs or literature.
We have but one request before you begin our step study. Please do this work with the guidance of a sponsor or spiritual advisor. The same as recovery, this work is not intended to be done alone. Success depends upon us sharing the process (LwH workbook, pg. 1, May 2008).
Weeks 1, 3, 5
Today we will be reading from "A New Leaf" newsletter. “These stories were written by recovering marijuana addicts within the fellowship of Marijuana Anonymous, and represent their individual experiences and viewpoints. Marijuana Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues including opinions expressed, language used, or experiences related by its individual members.” "Life with Hope", 3rd edition, page 89.
Weeks 2 and 4
Today is an Alcoholics Anonymous literature meeting. We will start reading ______ (Big Book or 12&12) on page ___.
If you don’t have the AA Big Book or 12&12, you can find a PDF copy with an Internet search. Although we are reading from AA literature, MA is not affiliated with and does not endorse any other 12 step programs or literature.
Tradition Two states: For our group purpose, there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as is expressed in our group conscience. To maintain the serenity of the meeting, here are some guidelines:
The meeting is now open.
To share, press *6-1. The system will say, "You can now ask your question," which means it's your turn to share. You are welcome to share on the topic or anything related to your recovery today.
[Chair: Advance to next caller, *12 and say, “Hi, it’s your turn to share…”]
Reminders for the Chair during sharing:
That’s all the time we have for sharing. Stick around to claim your seat after the 7th tradition announcement.
Our 7th Tradition states that, "Every MA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." District 28 is now collecting 7th Tradition contributions to cover expenses such as our website and support MA World Services. To donate, use the 7th Tradition link on the home page of ma-phone.org.
Please give what you can and keep coming back.
It's now time to claim seats. If there is anyone who has not shared that would like to claim their seat, please get in the queue by pressing *6-1. This helps us all know that we are not alone in our recovery process.
[Chair: press *12 to check the queue for seat-claimers.]
If you have an MA-related announcement, please press *61 to join the queue and I’ll ask for those in a minute.
Please join us for meetings on weekdays at 3pm, Saturdays at 9am, and the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7pm Eastern time followed by the Group Conscience Meeting at 8pm. Speakers are needed for the upcoming months. Everyone is invited to share their story of recovery.
If you call into a meeting and there is no chair, please stick around. If you’re comfortable, anyone can access the script at ma-phone.org and chair without going into Q&A mode. You may also read literature or share in fellowship.
Service is an important part of recovery. The following service positions are currently open for the Women in Recovery group:
If you would like to nominate a speaker, submit an agenda item, or if you are interested in a service position, please email: ma.womeninrecovery1@gmail.com.
District 28 consists of three phone groups: MAWPM, Women in Recovery, and Dudes in Recovery. Combined, these three groups offer over 35 phone meetings each week. See our website for meeting schedules and phone numbers. All members are welcome to attend the next regular District Service Committee meeting on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm Eastern on the District Conference Line.
At the District level, we are seeking a Secretary and Chips Chairperson. Contact Michelle if you are interested in volunteering.
The MA Literature Committee is seeking story submissions to share our member’s experience, strength, and hope of marijuana addiction diversity, shedding light on stories of recovery that may not always be told. Get the details at ma12.org/stories/flyer
Additional announcements can be found on ma-phone.org under Readings & Resources: MAWPM Announcements.
I’ll check the queue to see if there are additional announcements.
[Chair: Check the queue with *12.]
In closing, the opinions expressed here today are strictly those of the individuals who gave them. The things you have heard here are spoken in confidence and should be treated as confidential. We do not take outside the meeting who we hear inside the meeting. Talk with each other, reason things out, but let there be no gossip or criticism of one another; only love, understanding and fellowship.
I’d like to thank everyone for participating in our meeting, especially those who provided service and people who shared.
[Chair: You have the option to thank people by name.]
If anyone has any questions that went unanswered, or if you want to share more, please introduce yourself after the meeting.
We will now have a moment of silence; then I will take us out of Q&A mode for the Serenity Prayer.
[Chair: Pause for 10-30 seconds-moment of silence]
[Chair: Press *13 to end Q&A.]
Thank you.
[Chair: Use *5 to mute, if needed. Remember the "light switch" aspect to get to"all participants are muted and they can unmute themselves". If you mute all, let everyone know they need to use *6 to unmute themselves.]
We say the WE version of the Serenity Prayer all together.
GOD, grant us the serenity
to accept the things we cannot change,
the courage to change the things we can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
“Keep coming back. It works if you work it, and you’re worth it.”
Thank you, everyone! The meeting is now concluded, everyone is welcome to stick around for phone number exchange, questions, and fellowship.
We are responsible for our own recovery.
We encourage members to develop a support network by getting phone numbers. We work recovery for ourselves, not by ourselves.
Everyone is welcome to share their number. Mention your willingness to be a sponsor or temporary sponsor. Sponsorship enhances recovery through one-on-one guidance on working the Twelve Steps and applying them in your life. We suggest you listen for those who “have what you want.”
If an outreach call makes you feel uncomfortable, consider ending contact with that person and refer to the MAWPM Safety Support page on our website where Safety Support Team contacts are listed.
Who would like to share their number?
[Chair: Thank each person that gives their phone number.]
Are there any questions?
[Chair: Answer as best you can. Invite others to also provide feedback or support if you like, and direct people to the literature and websites.]
Thanks again. Please keep fellowship safe by following spiritual principles.
Please reach us at ma.womeninrecovery1@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We highly recommend you work the 12 steps with a sponsor.
If someone in this meeting or another meeting has said something you can relate to please step out of your comfort zone and contact them.
If you are having trouble finding a sponsor on your own or if you are willing to sponsor someone who may not live near you and is looking for support please review the "About Sponsorship" pages on the Marijuana Anonymous World Services website under the How it Works tab.
If someone actively talks about committing suicide, you may offer the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline information.
Dial 988 or look up an international suicide hotline here for help.
(This is permitted per chairperson guidelines.)
**ma-phone.org and Marijuana Anonymous do not endorse the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, Wikipedia, or any other organizations or services. Information provided for convenience.
The email address for service position openings, sharing story on 1st Wednesday speaker night, and agenda items is ma.womeninrecovery1@gmail.com
Copyright © 2024 Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings - All Rights Reserved.
Email mad28.web@gmail.com for technical issues with the website.