Daily meetings are provided through free conference calling and managed by Q&A (question and answer) mode. Instructions for participation will be provided by the chairperson throughout the meeting.
There are two different modes of operation for the MA World Phone Meetings. (The Women's and Men's meetings work differently.)
1. Muted/unmuted mode (beginning and end of meeting) - Your sound may be heard by others on the meeting unless you press your local mute button or *6. Be sure to mute when joining the meeting to reduce background noise.
2. Q&A mode (sharing portion of meeting) - You will not be heard by the group until you get in the queue and it is your turn. You will need to press *6-1 to enter the queue. "Joining the queue" is like getting in line to speak. You can remove yourself from the queue at any time by pressing *6,1 again. When the system says, “You may now ask your question,” that means it’s your turn to speak. Make sure you are not muted on your own phone.
To participate in a meeting, please familiarize yourself with the following:
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