GC Approved Revision 12-10-23
Announcements updated 3-24-25
CONFERENCE DIAL-IN NUMBER: 1.667.770.1476 (USA). Enter the host code and use the keypad commands on your phone (listed below), OR use the Free Conference Call HD app (instructions posted here).
Host Commands
Manage Q&A
Note: Participants must dial *6 and 1 to ask a question
*5 Mute When not in Q&A mode. Listen to the recorded voice to know when you’re in the right setting, for example, “All participants are muted and can unmute themselves.”
Commands for Everyone
[Chair: When you log into the call, every minute or two, mention that the meeting is going to start at the top of the hour, or say, “in three minutes at 7:00 am” (for example). This lets everyone know that the chair is there. Start the meeting on the hour (or when there is at least 1 participant.)]
Hello everyone. My name is _____ and I’m powerless over marijuana (or a marijuana addict). Welcome to this open meeting of the “Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings” or MAWPM (maa-pum) group. We meet daily at 7 AM, 10 AM, Noon, and 8 PM, and Friday at 10 PM US Eastern time zone.
Before the Serenity Prayer, we will take a moment of silence.
[Chair: Pause for 5 seconds.]
Thank you.
Make sure you are unmuted to participate. The Serenity Prayer starts with the word God, and that’s the Higher Power of your own understanding.
We will do the call-and-response version, where I say a line and you repeat it.
God, grant me the serenity . . .
[Chair: pause]
To accept the things I cannot change . . .
[Chair: pause]
The courage to change the things I can, . . .
[Chair: pause]
And the wisdom to know the difference.
[Chair: pause]
These phone meetings are managed using Q&A mode. To participate in the meeting, join or remove yourself from the queue by pressing *6-1. When the system tells you, “You may now ask your question,” that means it’s time for you to speak.
I am now putting our call into Q&A mode.
[Chair: Put meeting into Q&A mode for the entire meeting until the closing Serenity Prayer by pressing *01 or by pressing the “?” on the app.]
I am Responsible.
Whenever anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
. . . I want the hand of Marijuana Anonymous to be there.
And for that: I am responsible.
Today I’ll ask twice for volunteers to be of service and read from our literature. First, would someone please enter the queue by pressing *6-1 to read the Twelve Steps? Later on during the meeting, I will ask for one volunteer to read “The Promises” or “Our Awakening”. These are available on the ma-phone.org website under Readings & Resources, Meeting Readings or on the MA app.
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using marijuana. This is to adhere to the singleness of purpose concept, but many of us have found that the only way that we can keep our sobriety is to abstain from all mind and mood altering chemicals, including alcohol.
There are no dues or fees for membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. MA is not affiliated with any religious or secular institution or organization and has no opinion on any outside controversies or causes. Our primary purpose is to stay free of marijuana and to help the marijuana addict who still suffers achieve the same freedom. We can do this by practicing our suggested Twelve Steps of recovery and by being guided as a group by our Twelve Traditions.
I will check the queue for a volunteer to read.
[Chair: Press *02 or “Next Question” on the app to check for volunteers.
If no one is in the queue, ask again for a volunteer and wait about 10 seconds. If the queue is still empty, read one yourself.]
Hi, what would you like to read?
[Chair: Mute your phone while they read; unmute when they finish.]
Thank you ______ for your service.
[Chair: Or something similar, for example, “Thanks for reading for us.”
After reading, press *04 or scroll left on the app to mute the last caller.]
What happens at an MA meeting?
People discuss their problems with marijuana, what they did to recover, and what life is like now. We have found that, as a group, we can achieve for ourselves results which, as individuals, we failed repeatedly.
MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS uses the 12 Steps of Recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous, because it has been proven to work!
Before we begin sharing, we want to welcome any newcomers or anyone returning to MA. Please introduce yourself by first name; there will be time for sharing later. Whether you share today or stay to listen, we’re glad you’re here and hope you keep coming back.
Press *6-1 to join the queue.
[Chair: Pause for 5 seconds, and then press *02 or "Next Question" on the app to check for newcomers and welcome them individually.]
Welcome, _____. [Chair: Say something else, for example, “We’re so glad you’re here,” “Keep coming back,” or something similar. If they mention their day count, say, “Congratulations on __ days.”]
Please stay on the line after the meeting to ask questions, receive support, and learn about recovery resources. There will be an opportunity to exchange phone numbers with other members for support at the end of the meeting. Please join us Wednesdays at noon Eastern time for our newcomer meetings. Also visit the Newcomers page on our website, ma-phone.org.
The focus of the meeting is the ”MA Promises”
Would a volunteer please join the queue by pressing *6-1, to read “The Promises” or “Our Awakening”?
These are available on the ma-phone.org website under Readings & Resources: Meeting Readings, on the MA app or in our book “Life With Hope”
o The Promises are the last paragraph of Step 9
o Our Awakening is the last four paragraphs of Step 12
Before we begin to explore the “Promises,” let’s first consider what is meant by the term “promises.” Generally speaking, promises give a person an assurance or right that a particular thing will happen.
Several words can be used to describe “Promises” including: Assurances, Possibilities and Rewards.
Throughout the Marijuana Anonymous basic text, “Life With Hope”, we can find references to several promises, rewards or gifts that we can receive as a result of working the MA 12 Step Program.
Those listening are invited to reflect on how these promises have been fulfilled in your own life as a result of working the 12 Step Program. I will now check the queue for someone to read “The Promises” or “Our Awakening”.
[Chair: Press *02 or “Next Question” on the app to check for volunteers.
If no one is in the queue, ask again for a volunteer and wait about 10 seconds. If the queue is still empty, read one yourself.]
Hi, would you like to read “The Promises” or “Our Awakening”?
[Chair: Mute your phone while they read; unmute when they finish.]
Thank you ______ for your service.
[Chair: Or something similar, for example, “Thanks for reading for us.”
After reading, press *04 or scroll left on the app to mute the last caller.]
It is now time for sharing. Please honor MA’s primary purpose and focus your sharing on topics of recovery from marijuana addiction. MA is a spiritual program and not a religious or political program. We do not discuss outside issues. We share our own experience, strength, and hope by using “I” statements instead of speaking for the group or others by using "you, us, we, or our."
Please keep your share to 4 minutes and confirm my one-minute notice. There’s no need to stop abruptly; just wind down your share.
You may offer your phone number at the end of your share, if you wish.
[Chair: Write down phone numbers when offered after member shares in case they are requested again after the meeting]
To provide a safe environment, we do not use excessive profanity or engage in crosstalk, which we define as giving someone advice, mentioning their name, or referring to their share. You can speak to others and ask questions after the meeting. I will follow these guidelines as well. If these guidelines are crossed, any member may ask the chairperson to reread the crosstalk statement.
To share, press *6-1. The system will say, “You may now ask your question,” which means it’s your turn to share.
[Chair Commands for reference only:
*01 enter Q&A mode
*02 advance to next caller
*03 exit Q&A mode
*04 mute current caller]
[Advance to next caller, *02, or press “Next Question” on the app.]
“It’s your turn to share…”
[Chair: time the share, and when one minute is left say:]
“One minute”
[Chair: repeat one minute if speaker does not acknowledge notice.]
[Chair -- If needed:
“Check your phone to see if you are muted.”
"Gentle time.”
Pause to allow them to finish their thought, and then say:
“I’m going to advance the queue.”
[Chair: After each person shares, thank them. Say the same thing and try to use the same tone for everyone. Use their name and congratulate them on their day count if they mentioned it. You may also say something else like, “It’s good to hear from you,” or “We’re glad you’re here,” or “Keep coming back.”
Resist the urge to comment on their share or show favoritism in any way (for example, “That's a great share”). However, special situations call for brief consolation such as when a person mentions a death or something similarly traumatic, but keep it brief. The meeting guidelines of no crosstalk, giving advice or criticism applies equally to the chairperson as well as participants.]
[Chair: When the queue is empty:
[Chair: Throughout the meeting, continue to remind callers of the topics, “As a reminder, the topic(s) today is (are)…”
When there is nobody in the queue, there is no need to reiterate topics after each share as it takes away time for sharing.]
[Chair: End sharing at about 53 minutes into the meeting.]
That’s all the time we have for sharing during the meeting. The opinions expressed by individuals do not represent MA as a whole. What you’ve heard at the meeting is confidential and should go no further.
If you haven’t shared yet, it’s now time to claim your seat by pressing *6-1. This means announcing your first name and, if you’d like, your location and day count. This helps us all know that we are not alone in our recovery.
[Chair: Press *02 or “Next Question” on the app to check the queue for seat-claimers. Use language similar to the following before and after each person claims their seat.]
“Go ahead and claim your seat,” or “It’s your turn.”
“Thank you,” or “Thanks, ______,” perhaps say “Congratulations on your __ days,” or “We’re glad you’re here,” or “Thanks for claiming your seat.”
[Chair: Press *04 or “Next Question” on the app to mute last caller.]
Please stay on the line after we close to exchange phone numbers, ask questions, and join in fellowship.
Our 7th Tradition states that, "Every MA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." District 28 is collecting 7th Tradition contributions to cover expenses such as our website and support MA World Services. To donate, use the 7th Tradition link on the home page of ma-phone.org.
Please give what you can and Keep Coming Back!
If you have an MA-related announcement press *6-1.
· Service is an important part of recovery. If you have 60 days of continuous sobriety and are interested in chairing a meeting or being a substitute chair, there are several meetings with no chair. Email mawpm.secretary@gmail.com to join our chairperson WhatsApp group.
· If you call into a meeting and there is no chair, please stick around. Anyone can access the script at ma-phone.org under the Open (MAWPM) tab and chair without going into Q&A mode. You may also do literature readings or share in fellowship. Our primary purpose is to carry the message to the marijuana addict who still suffers.
[Chair: list of open meetings can be found here Chairpersons List]
· All members are invited to our monthly MAWPM Group Conscience Meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:10PM Eastern. The positions of Group Conscience Secretary and Chairperson Coordinator are open. To submit an agenda item, e-mail mawpm.secretary@gmail.com.
· We need help finding Saturday Night Live Speakers for the MA Speaker Tapes podcast. You can be a speaker or a speaker seeker, who finds speakers from other meetings you attend around the world. Contact Joseph at 646-872-6359 for scheduling.
· District 28's three phone groups, MAWPM, Women in Recovery, and Dudes in Recovery, offer 39 phone meetings each week. See our website for meeting schedules and phone numbers. All members are welcome to attend the next District Service Committee meeting on third Wednesday of the month at 7PM Eastern on the District Conference Line. The positions of Secretary and Chips Chairperson are available.
· Check out the Announcements page of ma-phone.org for free resources and to learn ways to get involved in our fellowship.
[Chair: Check the queue with *02 or “Next Question.”]
Thank you to everyone who provided service, those who shared, and those listening. [Optional: read names]
Welcome again to the newcomer(s). We’re glad you’re here. Keep coming back! Connection is the opposite of addiction.
I will now take us out of Q&A mode and put us into mute all mode for the Serenity Prayer.
[Chair: Press *03 or the “End Q&A” on the app to end Q&A,
then press *5 or “Mute All” on the app to mute all.]
[FYI on the phone: After pressing *5, the system will say one of these 3 things:
If it says “muted” or “unmuted,” press *5 again until it says “...THEY CAN UNMUTE THEMSELVES”.]
You will need to unmute yourself by pressing *6.
Let’s do the all together “we” version, starting now…
God, grant us the serenity . . .
To accept the things we cannot change . . .
The courage to change the things we can . . .
And the wisdom to know the difference.
THANK YOU, EVERYONE! The meeting is concluded.
Keep coming back. It works!
I will put our call back in Q&A mode for phone number exchange.
[Chair: Press *01 or the “?” on the app to go back to Q&A.]
Telephone contact with other MA members between meetings helps maintain sobriety. We suggest that newcomers take down phone numbers from those who share and call the people you feel comfortable with.
Mention your willingness to be a sponsor or temporary sponsor. Sponsorship enhances recovery through one-on-one guidance working the Twelve Steps and applying them in your life. We suggest you listen for those who “have what you want."
[Chair: Press *02 or “Next Question” on the app to check for numbers.]
Do any newcomers have any questions at this time, or would anyone who didn’t get a chance to share during the meeting like to take a share? Press *61 to get in the queue.
[Chair: Press *02 or “Next Question” on the app. If someone takes a share, time it and follow other guidelines as you do during the meeting.
If you do not know the answer to a question, ask others to get in the queue to share their experience, strength, and hope.]
[Chair: For meeting attendance verification, attendee must e-mail:
1. date & time of meeting
2. chairperson's name
3. topic discussed
to mawpm.secretary@gmail.com within 48 hours of meeting.
Please tell them this is only for phone meetings on this line, not in person or Zoom meetings. If multiple verifications are needed, they will be sent weekly.]
[Chair: When queue is empty, end Q&A mode by pressing *03 or “End Q&A” on the app. ]
***Please keep fellowship safe by maintaining an atmosphere of recovery. Sexual harassment, violence, gossip, and targeting others erodes trust and group unity and will not be tolerated. Contact a Safety Support Team member from the list on our website if necessary.***
[Chair: A Safe Place pamphlet (is approved by GC but is not conference approved literature)]
It is now time for fellowship.
[Chair: Optional - give prompts for recovery discussion in fellowship if line is quiet, e.g., “What are you doing for your recovery today?,” “Does anyone have any challenges they would like to hear experience, strength and hope about?”]
[Chair: Create an inclusive atmosphere; avoid exclusivity or chair monologue.]
[Chair: If you’re using the app, when fellowship winds down, or you have to leave, press the red hang-up icon at the bottom of the screen, and then uncheck the box “End to Meeting for All Participants” in case people want to continue talking. If you leave the box checked, it will end the whole meeting.]
Copyright © 2024 Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings - All Rights Reserved.
Email mad28.web@gmail.com for technical issues with the website.