Our phone meetings are a place where women can connect. Whether you’re new to Marijuana Anonymous (MA) or just new to our phone meetings, you’ll find a compassionate group of women here ready to support you.
A closed meeting for women only
Women in Recovery (WIR) meetings are passcode protected and reserved only for women seeking recovery from marijuana addiction. This ensures a supportive and understanding environment where women can share their experiences and find strength among peers.
For open and co-ed meetings, we encourage you to explore the MA World Phone Meetings or use the meeting finder on marijuana-anonymous.org.
We prioritize your privacy and anonymity
No one is required to share. Whether you decide to share or just call to listen, we’re glad you’re here and hope you keep coming back!
For more information about MA Phone Meetings, check out our homepage.
7th Tradition
Our 7th Tradition states that MA has no dues or fees. We are proudly self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Please give what you can and keep coming back.
This is the primary number for joining Women in Recovery phone meetings. Call the Women in Recovery hotline to request the passcode.
To request the meeting passcode, please call the hotline. A member from our fellowship will answer your call.
To participate in a phone meeting, press these buttons on your phone keypad.
Join us the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm ET for our speaker meeting. To volunteer or nominate a speaker, contact Ingrid from Chicago. Upcoming speakers are:
Service is an important part of recovery. See WIR's service position descriptions for more information. The following positions are currently open:
Our Group Conscience (aka "the business meeting") meets the first Wednesday of the month at 8pm ET. This is where we discuss ways to support and strengthen our fellowship. All are welcome to join. See WIR's Group Conscience page for more information.
Women in Recovery is part of the MA District 28, which includes MA World Phone Meetings and Dudes in Recovery. District 28's Service Committee meets the third Wednesday of the month. All are welcome to join. Go to the District 28 business meeting page for more information.
Join us in fellowship! After every meeting, hosts and callers can stay on the call and enjoy fellowship. Fellowship is a time to connect with others, ask questions, and get phone numbers from people on the line to stay connected between meetings.
Copyright © 2024 Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings - All Rights Reserved.
Email mad28.web@gmail.com for technical issues with the website.