Here are some instructions to read before you chair
● Chairpersons please arrive 5 minutes before your meeting starts and be prepared to moderate the post meeting space for 15 minutes.
● Chairpersons please become familiar with and use “Q&A mode” and MUTE ALL function (*52)
● Remember to unmute yourself when it is your turn to speak as the chair.
● Also remember to mute yourself during others' sharing
● Material in brackets are instructions, not to be read aloud
● The keystrokes to manage the call:
Q&A mode
Enter Q&A *11
Advance queue *12
End Q&A *13
Mute queue *14
Unmute Yourself *51
Mute All *52
Unmuted *53
● Suggested Mtg Outline
○ Start with Serenity Prayer
○ Ask for introductions
○ (optional) Put meeting into Q&A mode
○ Ask for volunteers to read one or two of the Twelves
○ Read the intro items ( Greeting, Preamble, … )
○ Ask volunteers to do the reading of the Twelves
○ Ask for introductions
○ Ask for a topic by inviting participants into the Q
○ Ask for participants to join the Q for sharing
○ After sharing, in Q&A mode allow for claiming of seats.
○ Hop out of Q&A mode for closing Serenity Prayer
○ Back in Q&A for closing phone number exchange, questions, timed shares
Meeting Script Starts Here
Hello everyone. My name is: ___________ and I’m powerless over marijuana.
[ Or introduce yourself in a manner that speaks your truth in your sobriety ]
Welcome to Dudes in Recovery!
This phone meeting meets Monday thru Friday. at 3:05 PM Eastern
12:05 Pacific.
However, there are 4 meetings every day on the main phone line: at 7AM, 10AM, 12PM, and 8PM and Friday at 10PM Eastern Time Zone. These meetings are all on a different number, so go to for all that information, including international numbers.
We start our meetings with some Prayer and Reflection
Let's begin with a lengthy moment of silence.
The Serenity Prayer comes next. Feel free to unmute if you'd like to participate.
The Serenity Prayer starts with the word God, and that’s your own understanding of that word. At this meeting we invite you to use whatever word or words speak your personal truth to your own personal higher power.
[ Optional: You can do a call and response version of this or all together. You can also designate whether it uses the I or we pronoun ]
God . . .
Grant me the serenity . . .
To accept the things I cannot change . . .
The courage to change the things I can . . .
And the wisdom to know the difference.
We Have a Responsibility Statement:
I am Responsible.
Whenever anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of Marijuana Anonymous to be there.
For that: I am responsible.
The MA Preamble States:
Marijuana Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share our experience, strength and hope with each other that we may solve our common problem and help others to recover from marijuana addiction.
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using marijuana. There are no dues or fees for membership. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. MA is not affiliated with any religious or secular institution or organization and has no opinion on any outside controversies or causes. Our primary purpose is to stay free of marijuana and to help the marijuana addict who still suffers achieve the same freedom. We can do this by practicing our suggested Twelve Steps of recovery and by being guided as a group by our Twelve Traditions.
MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS uses the basic 12 Steps of Recovery founded by Alcoholics Anonymous, because it has been proven that the 12 Step Recovery program works! We encourage you to speak to others and ask questions after the meeting.
At This Point in the meeting, we Read from what we call "the 12's"
If you would like to be of service, you may find these readings:
○ "Life With Hope" book
○ Marijuana Anonymous app
You may read from anything with a 12 in the title including
○ 12 Questions
○ 12 Steps
○ 12 Traditions
○ 12 Promises
○ 12 Principles
○ 12 Concepts for Service
And we also sometimes read "Our Awakening” found at the end of Step 12 or The Story of the Lotus Eaters (in the book or the app)
Is anyone willing and able to read for us today?
[Thank the reader by name]
We usually have two readings, who else would like to read?
[Thank the reader by name]
At the start of the meeting, we like to introduce ourselves, so let’s go around the room and say our first name and where we’re from. And share your day count too, if you’d like. I'll get us started...
Who else would like to say hello?
[After a pause]
No one is required to introduce themselves, but if you would like to join our fellowship, now is a great time to do that.
Welcome again to our newcomers. Whether you choose to share today or stay and listen, we're glad you're here, and hope you keep coming back.
Be sure to stick around after the meeting to ask questions and then we'll have fellowship.
Meeting Norms
We will begin the sharing part of the meeting in just a moment. Here are some important guidelines to maintain the serenity of the meeting.
●This is a closed meeting of Marijuana Anonymous, meaning that it's just for Men. There is a Women-Only meeting right now on a different phone line.
●Please make sure you are muted when you're not speaking.
You can do this locally through your device, or you can mute through the system. If your are calling in on your phone, press *6 on your keypad to mute and unmute. Everyone, please mute now.
● We are not alone on our recovery journey, and knowing the current count of meeting participants reminds us of this. Press *2 on your phone keypad to hear that number. If you are on the app, press the participants button at the bottom center of your screen.
● It is imperative that we do not alienate the newcomer. Any outside issues that could disrupt our unity and interfere with our primary purpose of carrying the message to the marijuana addict who still suffers should be avoided.
● This is a non-crosstalk meeting, so keep your comments to your own experience, strength and hope by using "I" statements. Avoid giving direct advice, such as "you should do this", or making generalizations such as "we always do that". You can speak to others and ask questions after the meeting . If someone is engaging in crosstalk while sharing, we must all wait until after the Dude's on-minute notice, and I will reread this crosstalk statement, or anyone may request me to do so.
[If a dude is way off the rails, give an early on-minute notice]
● We like to share at length for the first half of the meeting. After forty minutes past the hour, I'll start giving a notice when you have one minute to complete your comment. I don't mean to startle you, just wind down your comments during the next minute or so. Please let me know you heard my signal.
[as necessary]
[Suggestions for Time Limits]
[If there are a large number of Dudes in the meeting, give a one-minute notice after 3 minutes; if there are a few, give a notice after 4 minutes]
Thank you for sharing your time is up. There will be plenty of time for more sharing afterwards...
[press *51 to mute 15 seconds after the notice]
It is now time for sharing
Does anyone have any topics? We usually have two or three.
Great topic. Anyone else with a topic?
Who wants to kick our meeting off with the first share?
You don’t have to share on the topics, you may share on anything related to your recovery today. Make sure you are unmuted if you’d like to share. You can do this by pressing *6 on your keypad.
Who would like to share next?…
As a reminder, our topics are…
Make sure you are unmuted if you’d like to share…
[Closing at about 55-57 minutes into the mtg]
We save the last minute for anyone with a burning desire, a desire to burn. If you think you might use marijuana– or hurt yourself or someone else– in the next hour, or before the next meeting, now would be a great time to share.
Alright, that’s all the time we have for sharing during the meeting. In closing, please remember that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of our program, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities. What you hear here, stays here.
I’ll stay on the line after the meeting to facilitate phone number exchange and answer newcomer questions.
Be sure to stick around afterwards for fellowship, that’s when we talk about whatever we want.
7th Tradition
Our 7th Tradition states that MA has no dues or fees. We are self-supporting through our own contributions. For information on how to contribute, please go directly to the web page
Please give what you can, and even if you can give nothing for now,
Keep Coming Back!
Introductions and Newcomer Welcome
We like to introduce ourselves again at the end of the meeting.
First, let’s take another moment to welcome any newcomers. Newcomers include anyone new to the program, anyone coming back or anyone new to the phone lines.
[pause for 5-10 seconds]
Welcome [greet that person by name]
You are in the right place. Keep Coming Back.
If those are all the newcomers, let’s go around the room and give our first name and where we’re from. No is required to introduce themselves, but if you’d like to join our fellowship, just unmute yourself and say hello. I’ll get us started…
MA-related Announcements
Please look on the website for announcements under the Readings and Resources menu tab. There is information on the different meetings, support for family and friends, service opportunities and opportunities to participate in recovery at the group and world levels.
The website also has speaker tapes available on the Speaker Tapes page.
There is a Marijuana Anonymous app. It includes all the recovery literature which is not available on the internet, and it includes a day-counter.
This meeting, Dudes in Recovery is also available via a free app called FreeConferenceCall.
If any men have an upcoming anniversary of a year-or-more and would like to speak or invite a speaker, we would love to celebrate with you. Let us know.
Are there are any additional MA-related announcements from the fellows?
In that case, thank you to everyone who provided service, those who shared, and those listening.
[Optional: read names]
If anyone has any questions, or if you would like to share more, please introduce yourself after the meeting. We will also share phone numbers. No one is required to share their phone number.
[Chair press *13 to end Q&A , then press *5.]
Thank you for letting me be of service.
If so inclined, please join us briefly for prayer and reflection.
[ If needed. Chair: Press *13 to end Q&A, then press *5 to mute all.]
Lengthy moment of silence, please.
Those who want to participate in the prayer will need to unmute your phone by pressing *6. It starts with the word God, and that’s your own understanding of that.
[ Optional] At this meeting we invite you to use whatever word or words speak your own personal truth to your own personal higher power.
God . . .
Grant us the serenity . . .
To accept the things we cannot change . . .
The courage to change the things we can, . . .
And the wisdom to know the difference.
The meeting is concluded.
[Allow a minute for everyone to thank you for the meeting]
Would anyone like to share their phone number in this public space?
Phone Number Service Information
We have found telephone contact with other MA men between meetings to be supportive to maintain sobriety. Everyone can take down phone numbers from those who share them and call the people you feel comfortable with. Please know that no one is required to give out their phone number. When you do share your number, be mindful that you are sharing in a public space. Be of service, give out your number.
If you have worked the steps, have experience, strength and hope to share, and wish to be of service, then please identify yourself as available to sponsor or as a temporary sponsor when you share your number.
If any outreach call makes you feel uncomfortable, end contact with that person. Inappropriate incidents are infrequent, but they have happened.
As it states in our book, Life With Hope, in both the chapters on step 1 and 12, “We are responsible for our own recovery”. Calling our fellows helps keep us sober.
Do any newcomers have any questions at this time?
Would anyone care to share more?
It is now time for fellowship.
Copyright © 2024 Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings - All Rights Reserved.
Email for technical issues with the website.