Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings is a group of people who share our experience, strength, and hope with each other so that we can solve our common problem with marijuana addiction. Our meetings are open to anyone interested in the Marijuana Anonymous program of recovery.
Call in as often as you would like
Wherever you are, dial into one of 4 or 5 meetings every day to join people recovering from problems with marijuana.
We are anonymous
If you’re new to Marijuana Anonymous (MA), you can call in anonymously and just listen until you’re ready to talk. You’ll hear others’ stories that might sound like your own.
No one is required to share. When people do share, they give only their first name, and if they choose, their location and number of days without marijuana. If you’re on the line and just listening, you’re always welcome and we hope we keep coming back!
7th Tradition
Our 7th Tradition states that MA has no dues or fees. We are proudly self-supporting, declining outside contributions. Please give what you can and keep coming back.
Alternate access methods for MAWPM meetings
If you have trouble connecting, text HELP to +1 667.770.1476.
If your phone carrier tries to limit your calls or charge extra, text CALL ME to +1 667.770.1476.
To participate in a phone meeting, press these buttons on your phone keypad.
We have found that being of service—chairing meetings, taking a service position, or simply attending and sharing at meetings—helps us keep our sobriety. Once you have 60 days without marijuana, help us continue our meetings for others. We need meeting chairs and other positions filled. See our service positions for more information or email
Our Group Conscience (aka "the business meeting") meets the second Sunday of the month at 1:10pm EST. Attending is a great way to get involved and see how the phone lines run.
Join us in fellowship! After every meeting, hosts and callers can stay on the call and enjoy fellowship. Fellowship is a time to connect with others, ask questions, and get phone numbers from people on the line to stay connected between meetings.
Copyright © 2024 Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings - All Rights Reserved.
Email for technical issues with the website.