The next meeting of the Phone Meetings District 28 Service Committee is on Wednesday, October 16, 2024 at 7PM Eastern on the new District Conference Line at 605-313-5984. The access code 4883618#.
Service position descriptions and minutes of previous District 28 meetings are available here.
Email if you have an agenda item.
See the Speaker Tapes page on our website for on demand access to speaker shares.
Living Every Day with Hope is a series of daily reflections written by marijuana addicts so readers might find inspiration in their recovery. There is a reflection for each day of the year, referencing a short quote from MA Conference–approved literature. You can find it at
Submit your sobriety birthday, story, or other creative writing for publication in the "A New Leaf" Newsletter, go to Look for the submission buttons on the right.
All members are invited to our monthly MAWPM Group Conscience Meeting on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 1:10PM Eastern on the MAWPM Line. The next meeting is October 13.
To have your idea considered at the meeting, send an email to: no later than the Wednesday prior to the meeting. Visit Business Meetings: MAWPM Agenda to review the agenda prior to the group conscience meeting.
If you have difficulty connecting to a meeting by phone, text HELP to the meeting phone number to receive a call back to connect or get a temporary backup access number.
Click here to sign up for the MA World Services monthly newsletter, "Carry the Message." Stay in the know about the latest in Marijuana Anonymous and receive a congratulations e-mail the day before your anniversary!
See the new 'Events' page which showcases MA happenings:
Back issues of "A New Leaf" Newsletter are available here. The purpose of "A New Leaf", the monthly Marijuana Anonymous newsletter, is to carry the message of recovery from marijuana addiction. It is through the written experiences of recovering addicts and their stories that we may find experience, strength and hope. Articles submitted should reflect recovery, unity and service.
Sometimes people gather on the MAWPM phone line at 4:20 EST for fellowship. Stop by if you’d like for unstructured conversation. If you call in at 4:20, please stay on the line for at least 5 minutes to increase the chance of connecting with others.
MA World Services is developing a pen pal program that will involve MA members, with a year or more sobriety, being paired with an inmate who needs to share experience, strength & hope. For more information please contact
At last contact, the pen pal program was struggling with accessing facilities, so if this is something you would like to help out with, please email the H&I committee to see what they need.
Members of the World Services Correspondence committee are often "the face of MA", as we are responding to phone and email inquiries on a daily basis. We are looking for a few good listeners, especially those who have the time to help take live calls. If you have at least 6 months clean and sober, a working knowledge of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, are comfortable sharing your experience, strength and hope with others, and want to serve newcomers to strengthen your own recovery, please send a letter of interest to
MarAnon Family Groups offer "support and hope for those affected by another's marijuana use". "Its foundation is the Twelve Steps, adapted from Marijuana Anonymous, which can be a powerful, life-changing tool. We come together to work the steps and offer hope, comfort and support for other members. We are not a religious group, instead we use the steps as a path of self-discovery and personal change." They offer meetings 7 days a week.
You can find MarAnon through this website: Mar-anon is a separate organization from Marijuana Anonymous.
Download one of many available pamphlets to learn more about Marijuana Anonymous here.
Examples include:
What about CBD?
For the Newcomer
Detoxing from Marijuana
Sharing our Experience, Strength and Hope: Personal Stories of Marijuana Addicts
Working the Program
MA Pocket Reminder
For the Loved Ones of Marijuana Addicts
A Doctor's Opinion about Marijuana Addiction
About MA World Services’ Intellectual Property (IP) Policies & Procedures
MA Districts like ours have a licensing agreement with Marijuana Anonymous World Services to use the “Marijuana Anonymous” name and the triangle logo. We agree to use these trademarks on our website, Speaker Tapes podcast, and other materials only to "carry the message." This agreement protects MA World Services' trademarks, discouraging inappropriate uses, for example, memes that don't align with MA's primary purpose and could harm the organization's reputation.
For more information, see the following resources about MA World Services’ IP Policies & Procedures:
Copyright © 2024 Marijuana Anonymous World Phone Meetings - All Rights Reserved.